Cum sa faci o floare din satin - tehnica Kanzashi


      Tehnica Kanzashi este o veche metoda japoneza de a impaturi matasea, pentru a forma ornamentele de par purtate la sarbatori de gheise.
Astazi cunoscute ca flori Kanzashi, aceasta tehnica consta in realizarea petalelor din material textil, sau din panblica de satin. Pe suprafata petalelor se pot aplica margelute sau strasuri pentru a crea modele unice.

Avem nevoie de: panblica de satin (pot fi de diferite culori), pistol de lipit cu silicon, foarfeca, lumanare

Pentru realizarea acestui model de floare Kanzashi, se procedeaza astfel:
se taie trei bucati de panblica de dimensiuni diferite (4cm, 6cm, 8cm) necesare pentru realizarea unei petale
se prind impreuna
se trec prin flacara pentru lipire, operatia necesita atentie pentru a nu afuma petala
se taie pe diagonala
se trece petala prin flacara pentru lipire
se da forma petalei
se repeta operatia, vom avea nevoie de zace petale
se vor lipi cinci petale intre ele, vor forma centrul flori Kanzashi
se lipesc si restul de piese pentru a forma floarea Kanzashi
se lipeste o piesa de satin pe spate
se adauga margele sau strasuri pentru a decora floarea Kanzashi
Gata! poate fi folosita ca brosa, accesoriu de par, bratara, martisor sau pot fi aplicate ca elemente de decor pe haine, posete, pantofi, bijuterii.

Kanzashi technique is an ancient Japanese method of folded silk to form hair ornaments worn by geishas holidays.
Today known as Kanzashi flowers, this technique consists in the petals of fabric or satin ribbon. On the surface of petals may apply beads or rhinestones to create unique designs.

We need:
- satin ribbon (can be different colors)
- Silicone glue gun
- scissors
- candles

To achieve this Kanzashi flower pattern, proceed as follows:
from satin ribbon, cut three pieces of different sizes (4cm, 6cm, 8cm) required for a petals
gather together
stick together by passing through the flame, the operation requires careful not smoke petal
cut diagonally
run the tip through a flame so the fabric doesn't fall apart
petal shape it
repeat the operation, we will need ten petals
gluing the sides of the petals together, will form the center Kanzashi flowers
add the remaining petals to form Kanzashi flower
sticks a piece of satin back
beads or crystals are added to decorate the flower Kanzashi
Ready! It can be used as a brooch, hair accessories, bracelets or can be applied as decoration on clothing, purses, shoes, jewelry.
Good luck!

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